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A Moment for Customer Service

Writer's picture: Debra GouldDebra Gould

Positive Persistence Beats Resistance Every Time-

MINDFUL MAGIC from Debra Gould and Associates, Inc. Volume 1, No. 2 © 2017

WELCOME to the second issue of DGAI e-zine MINDFUL MAGIC, that kicked off last month. I work with companies that want their teams to work together better and improve the quality of customer service. Enjoy our second issue and please provide any feedback or questions you may have to:


Debra Gould

A Moment for Customer Service-

Volume 1 – Issue 2 © 2016

“I worry about employees first, customers second and shareholders third.”

—Richard Branson, CEO Virgin Group, 2005

Mentioning CUSTOMER SERVICE Issues-You are a new supervisor in a customer service department who previously worked in human resources. You are used to holding information confidential and not sharing with staff due to the nature of human resource issues. Now, you are noticing that things are done very differently. You’re confused and mention your concerns to your supervisor. Your supervisor explains that you are expected to model the same attitude, communication skills and behavior of your line staff who are working directly with customers and offers you the following questions to ask yourself to transition from your human resources focus to a customer service focus:

Customer Focused Company Questions to ask yourself-DO I?-

  • Greet my staff in the morning?

  • Share my feelings about situations with my staff?

  • Do the right and fair thing?

  • Support the decisions of my staff?

  • Learn from others?

  • Listen to my staff when they tell me what their customers need?

  • Appreciate and get to know my staff?

  • Model good telephone etiquette?

  • Say Thank You?

  • Model the BEST customer service technique-INITIATIVE?

The Minute-Being mindful of our new customer service supervisor scenario-What do you think about this? How do you feel about this? What do you do about this? What would you like to do differently about this in the future?

The Meeting of the Mindful-for fuller minds and moving organizations…

Positive Persistence Beats Resistance Every Time-You have been reading MINDFUL MAGIC!-from Debra Gould & Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 871211, New Orleans, LA 70187-1211, Phone: (504) 244-6576, FAX: (504) 245-2488, Email:, website:

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